Portfolio Category



Icebergmedia tv Icebergmedia is an independent audiovisual production company located in Barcelona. They transform ideas into images and tell stories beyond the surface. Developed own theme Web design and Development — Jaume Subirats Date —  Maig ...

Ikone Media

Ikone Media - Media solutions for your project Production company born in 2002 in Barcelona, with the mission to improve and innovate in the sports communication of athletes, brands, sports ...


Argogen spray Art Direction and design – RED032 Web development – Jaume Subirats Date – Apr 2018 Link – argogenspray.com Argogen Spray is a comfortable spray dressing that promotes the healing process and reduces the ...

Miel Arquitectos

Miel Arquitectos Developed own theme Web design and Development – Jaume Subirats Date – May 2016 Link – mielarquitectos.com Miel Arquitectos is an architecture studio based in Barcelona and Mallorca. Its main goal is ...


GAYLES.TV, quality audiovisual content for the LGTB+ community Television and advertising producer that serves the specific needs of the group. Developed own theme Web design and Development Date —  Since Jan ...

LaBreu Edicions

LaBreu Edicions LaBreu Edicions is a non-profit cultural association from which we intend to carry out a support and dissemination of quality poetry and literature in the Catalan language. Own theme ...

Rollan Arquitectura

Rollan Arquitectura Company committed to the preservation of cultural heritage with experience in performances above all in the historical complex of Tortosa and in buildings with historical and artistic value. Web ...

We Web

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