Portfolio Category

Web Development

Aequalislgbti Org

Aequalis Website Aequalis is a study that was born with a vocation for continuity and which seeks to highlight good practices in diversity management. It is not a ranking nor ...

Sawes candies

Sawes candies Art Direction and design – RED032 Developed own theme Web development – Jaume Subirats Date – Oct 2018 Link – sawes.com Founded in 1972, Sawes is a company with more than 40 years of ...


Academica Art Direction and design – RED032 Web design and Development – Jaume Subirats Date – Oct 2014 Link – academica.school The official program for the international recognition of school-leaving qualifications, created and developed by ...

Pol·len Edicions

Pol·len edicions Website and ecommerce An independent, cooperative, young, formed by three partners, Jordi, Aida and La Mar. Specialized in the eco-edition of critical-thinking books, we have headquarters at Carrer ...

Espai Contrabandos

Espai Contrabandos Promoted and managed by the cooperative Pol·len Edicions, Espai Contrabandos It is an open project that hosts fifty independent publishing labels in order to visibilize and promote independent ...

Club Bonasport

Bonasport Club Tennis, Padel, Sport Art Direction and design – RED032 Developed own theme Web development – Jaume Subirats Date – Feb 2018 Link – bonasport.com A sports club specialized in tennis, paddle tennis, swimming, fitness ...

Isaac Morera Website

Developed own theme Web design and Development Date — Feb 2013 Link – isaacmorera.com With a training ranging from dance, stage fencing and interpretation, he is currently a member of the company. “EL SACAIRE DEL ...

LaBreu Edicions

LaBreu Edicions LaBreu Edicions is a non-profit cultural association from which we intend to carry out a support and dissemination of quality poetry and literature in the Catalan language. Own theme ...

Rollan Arquitectura

Rollan Arquitectura Company committed to the preservation of cultural heritage with experience in performances above all in the historical complex of Tortosa and in buildings with historical and artistic value. Web ...

We Web

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